Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
European Union
Europäische Parteien
*Founding statesEuropean Union AgenciesActing heads of government in the European UnionEU Commissioner 2014-2019EU Commissioner 2019-2024EU Commissioner 2024-2029EUREKAEuropean intervention initiativeEuropean partiesEuropean Central BankEuropean CouncilEuropean Court of AuditorsEuropean ParliamentEuropean lawCommon security and defense policyCourt of Justice of the European UnionHistory of the European UnionMember States of the European UnionSupreme Court of the Member States of the EUParliaments of the Member States of the EUPresident of the European CommissionPresident of the European ParliamentPresident of the European CouncilCouncil of the European UnionConstitution of the EU Member StatesTreaty on European UnionPresidency of the Council of the European Union
欧洲自由民主联盟/Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe group
欧洲绿党 - 欧洲自由联盟/Greens–European Free Alliance
自由和直接民主欧洲党/Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy
民族和自由欧洲党/Europe of Nations and Freedom
欧洲民主党/European Democratic Party EDP
欧洲保守派和改革主义者/European Conservatives and Reformists
欧洲左翼党/Party of the European Left